Bask in the sunny charm of our Yellow Bouquet. Expertly crafted from luxurious Maheshwari silk, this unstitched suit encapsulates the sunny vitality of a beautiful daybreak, harmoniously blending comfort, elegance, and an uplifting energy. The fabric gleams softly, resembling the tender sunbeams of a bright morning, drawing you into its soft, inviting touch and exquisite comfort. It's more than just a textile—it's a sensory delight that thrills the touch and enchants the eye. The magic of this golden canvas is enhanced by the delicate hand block prints, meticulously brought to life by our skilled artisans. Each pattern is a cheerful note on this vibrant symphony, subtly augmenting the aesthetic appeal of this gorgeous suit set.
The Yellow Bouquet suit set, an ensemble of radiant allure, awaits your personal touch. Embrace its sunny charm, let it inspire you, just as the warm radiance of a morning sunrise fills our hearts with joy and hope
Fabric: Cotton Silk with Maheshwari border
Length: 250cm
Color: Yellow
Quantity: 3